Golden Guidance

Golden Guidance is for those who want to dig a little deeper. It’s for those who desire support as they experiment with their Human Design. It’s the accountability, witnessing and curious questioning combined with the knowledge and information that helps you to embody your design in a way that creates tangible changes in your life.

You see, when you choose differently you move differently and when you move differently you usher in a life that is meant for you.

Choosing differently touches everything from the quality of your relationships (including the one you have with yourself), to what you do in the world and how you do it, to your felt experience in your body and your energy levels.

Golden Guidance is an extension of the Forest Path Sessions - a deeper, longer wander through the landscape of your blueprint.

You’ll receive 6 (75 min) sessions to use (at your own pace) over 6 months and 2 days of messaging support per week to chat about what comes up in between sessions (52 days in total).

The total investment is $1,230.00

Payment plans are available

Golden Guidance

Your Job…

  • Come with curiosity to learn about your blueprint and a willingness to see things differently

  • Bring awareness to your mundane activities so you can identify your most potent areas of conditioning

  • Experiment with your Human Design strategy and authority within your life

  • Bring situations, experiences and reflections for us to dive into through the lens of Human Design (ie. a relationship dynamic, a decision needing to be made, an area of focus)

  • Ask good questions to ensure you receive the most of our sessions

  • Understand that I am not going to change your life - you will be the one who changes things as you begin to choose differently

My Job…

  • Walk you through your Human Design chart (going deeper into the knowledge as we move through our sessions)

  • Give you practical examples of what it looks like to play with your strategy and authority

  • Provide accountability and support in staying with the experiment

  • Bring Human Design information and a new perspective to the situations, experiences and reflections you bring to the sessions

  • Answer questions directly through my possibility view and guilt motivation (problem solving)

  • Accept you in the wholeness of your design and fullness of your humanity. Gift you space to explore your awareness and develop self compassion through the process.

When you choose differently… you might

Use energy in ways that move you towards vitality instead of depletion

Change the way you care for yourself on a fundamental level

Experience less resistance, frustration, bitterness or anger

Relate to people in a more compassionate and understanding way

Prioritise tasks in your life in new ways

Create space for new ideas and creativity to flow through

Free up the energy you used to spend on things that don’t actually matter

Deepen the trust you have within relationships that are built on honesty

Take things less personally

See things through a new perspective

Drop the things you thought you should be doing

Express yourself in a more potent and radically unique way

Gain self confidence and self trust

Hear the voices of your body and trust them over any outer authority that

Discover gifts and strengths you didn’t know existed

Build more aligned businesses and situations in your life

Feel a sense of satisfaction, success, delight and peace more often than ever before

Experience your version of freedom

Develop your personal brand of wellness and self care

Meet the right people at the right time… magnetising the right opportunities into your lap

Choose Differently

“I walked away with tangible activities to understand how responding works in life and where to experiment with dropping what’s not for me”

- 4/6 MG

“The biggest thing I walked away with was feeling like I finally understand myself”

- 6/2 Projector

“I loved having my experience validated in a way that “normalises” it. It was so good to have Human Design interpreted in a way that makes sense even when you don’t know the language ”

- 1/4 MG

“I learned that I know who I am and people telling me otherwise are wrong. I learned that I need to more trust in myself”

- 1/3 MG

“This is amazing. I have received so much clarity in conjunction with the reading. Kind of scary how accurate it is. I enjoyed our sessions more than I could possibly express over email”

- 5/1 MG

“Thanks! So much juiciness to take away from everything we went through. It makes so much sense!”

- 1/3 Projector

Ready to choose differently?

Let’s journey through Golden Guidance together! Apply below and you’ll hear from me soon…

Spaces for Golden Guidance are released seasonally - join the mailing list to find out when new spaces become available or submit your application below to receive a personal invitation once spaces open.