Choose Differently

Through body based decision making, exploration of your Human Design authority and knowing yourself at a deeper level

The quality of your life is determined by the quality of your decisions. Human Design & the Gene Keys gifts us tools that not only allow us to choose differently (in a way that is aligned with our body) but allow us to know ourselves more deeply.

There is a blueprint hidden within your DNA, woven into your cells that holds information on how you’re here to interact with the world, how you’re here to choose or move and what lens you’re here to see the world through.

Experimenting, exploring and embodying this blueprint allows you to slowly but surely become more of who you came here to be. It allows you to move with your energy rather than against it. It gifts you more and more experiences of ease and less resistance in life. It invites you to undo the conditioning that life has layered onto your mind and do things your own way. 

It ushers you into your version of freedom, success, satisfaction, delight  and peace. Choosing differently within the small moments of your life has the potential to change the way you care for yourself, your level of self compassion, your interactions in relationships and what you choose to do in life. Choosing and moving in a way that honours your body is the key to moving towards a life that was meant for you. 

Hi, I’m Annika

I’m your guide. I’m a 4/6 Self Projected Projector with my personality sun in gate 1. My design has me understand the world in a way that is experienced through the lens of direction, the expression of the unique self and the possibility that is available for everyone.

These are the things I am here to express for myself and for others. This is who I am, and this is what will flavour the way I offer my guidance. I want to guide you back to your centre - to your own remembering of who you were before you learnt who the world wanted you to be instead. A reminder of the magic in your cells and your design.

I think it’s important to know who you’re working with…

Let me introduce myself

Or check out my reflections through the lens of Human Design over at the Witch’s Wisdom Substack

Reflection of Woman in the mirror

Choose your journey

The beginning of your human design journey. Expect an audio journey diving into how you're energetically here to interact with the world, make decisions and digest the world through your unique lens.

Minimum 1 hour recording which covers the basics of your design.

Current journey wait time ~ up to 2 weeks


A single session to wander into the depths of your chart together. You'll leave with a tangible strategy so that you can begin to experiment and embody your design. These sessions are extra juicy when you come with a situation or life area in mind you wish to focus our lens on.

Single 75-90 min session + 1 day messaging support to answer any questions that come up

Appointments can also take place at ALCHIVE in Margate, South Tasmania


A series of sessions to wander together on your deconditioning journey. You’ll integrate & embody your design as you experiment with new ways of making choices and listening to the body. Learn to care for yourself in a new way that honours your energy while inviting in the life you came here to live.

6 sessions (60 mins) to be used within 6 months + 2 day of messaging support / week
